Amendments in force from 18 January 2017

The 2014 amendments to the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), 2006, have entered into force on 18 January 2017.

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The MLC certification process is described below. At the bottom of this page you may find several links leading to further information regarding the implementation of the MLC.

Please note that the NMA has not established any particular contact point for seafarers' complaints, cf. the MLC Regulation 5.1.5 «Onboard complaint procedure». Such complaints should be forwarded through the ordinary channels. Full details are available on the website menu «About the authority»


  • Is issued by the NMA following the shipowner's application. Please use form KS-0207-4BE
  • The DMLC Part I is the basis for the DMLC Part II, where the shipowner shall demonstrate compliance with the requirements listed in the DMLC Part I. Any exemptions from the requirements in Title 3 of the MLC shall be approved by the NMA. A copy of the letter where the exemption is granted shall accompany the DMLC Part I application.


  • Should be completed by the shipowner on the NMA form KS-0207-3E.
  • The official form KS-0207-3E may be replaced with other forms as long as the formal requirements in the MLC are adhered to.
  • The DMLC Part II must be duly signed by the shipowner as defined by the Norwegian Ship Safety and Security Act Section 4. This will be the shipowner as stated on the SMC for ships holding an ISM Safety Management Certificate (SMC).

MLC inspection

Maritime Labour Certificate (MLC Certificate)

The MLC certificate is issued by the competent authority that has completed the MLC inspection – either the NMA or an RO. The MLC Certificate is issued based on the issued DMLC Part I, DMLC Part II and the completed MLC inspection.