Deck and engine-room log books
The NMA determines the content and form of log books for Norwegian registered ships. Both paper- and electronic versions may be used. Log books must be approved by the NMA, and the supplier must have an approval letter as confirmation. This is in accordance with the regulations of 15 September 1992 No. 693 on the form and keeping of log books for ships and mobile offshore units
MARPOL log books
Log books that are required to be kept in accordance with MARPOL, shall follow the requirements for log books provided in MARPOL. Both hard copy and electronic formats may be used.
Electronic MARPOL log books must be approved by one of the recognised organisations ref. the class agreement item 3.8.1 and the regulations of 30 May 2012 No. 488 on environmental safety for ships and mobile offshore units.
Upon change of flag
Upon transfer to the Norwegian flag, existing log books may be used if they satisfy the above referenced regulations. For more supplementary information, kindly contact us on