How to find users who already have access to My vessels?

Information about users gaining access by using Altinn

It is important to know that you cannot see users that have gained access by using Altinn.

If you are going to change access to these users, it must be done by using Altinn.

The users shown here are only users who have been assigned access manually.

Get an overview of all existing users

Click the gear on the right hand side to see all existing users for all vessels. Then click "Access control".

You will now get an overview of all users with access to My vessels.

Get an overview of users for one single vessel

To get an overview of users for one single vessel, click "Show details" for a vessel on the My vessels start page.

Select the "ACCESS" tab.
You will then get an overview of all users with access to this vessel.

How to change access for users of My vessels

Click on the pencil on the right hand side of the user to change access.

You will then see a dialogue box with the existing access level for this user.

Access will be assigned in the same manner access is assigned the first time.

How to remove access for an existing user of My vessels

Click on the dustbin icon on the right hand side of the user name to remove a user's access to a vessel.

You will be asked if you really want to remove the access.

The user will no longer have access to this vessel after clicking "Remove access".

Note that you are only removing access to this particular vessel.

If the user has access to other vessels, access to these vessels must be removed one by one.