The Norwegian Pension Insurance for Seamen

A public, mandatory service pension scheme established by the Act of 3 December 1948 no. 7 concerning pension insurance for seamen. The primary purpose of the pension scheme is to pay seaman’s pension to sailors between 60 and 67 years of age who have acquired a sufficient number of pensionable months on Norwegian registered ships (NOR and NIS).

For further information on the scheme, please visit the Pension Insurance for Seamen's website.

The Pension Insurance for Seamen covers

  • Persons permanently domiciled in Norway
  • Norwegian citizens
  • Citizens of other EU/EEA countries,
  • Citizens of third countries resident in another Nordic country

The question of entitlement to seaman’s pension or refund of pension contributions, and the size of these payments, depends upon the number of pensionable service months accumulated. The primary rule is that pension contributions must have been paid for the period that can be approved as pensionable.

Excepted from the Pension Insurance are i.a. persons employed in the hotel and restaurant branch on board NIS ships. This also applies to Norwegian citizens.