In accordance with the ISPS regulations, the ship security plan (SSP) must include procedures for the testing of the security equipment on board (cf. Part A of the ISPS Code section 9.4 subsections . 15, . 16 and .18).

The ISPS Code is a function-based code, which means that it defines functions that need to be fulfilled without describing in detail how this should be done. Therefore, the Code does not include detailed rules on how and how often the SSAS should be tested, and it is up to the flag States to provide such instructions.

The Norwegian Maritime Authority (NMA) has updated the instructions for the testing of SSAS and has formalised new requirements for the testing through the Circular RSV 9-2023.

The most important change is that the functional testing of SSAS should not involve the Joint Rescue Coordination Centre (JRCC).

  • Functional testing involving the JRCC will only be conducted at certificate surveys.
  • Companies planning to perform a more comprehensive exercise need to coordinate with the JRCC in advance if they want to involve them.
  • Functional testing of the ship security alert system must still take place at least every six months. Such testing should only involve the company security officer (CSO) and/or the company's designated emergency resposne organisation.

For more detailed information about the new testing procedures, please see the Circular:

Both the JRCC and the NMA specify that the changed test procedures will not affect actual security alerts.

Ship Security Aalarm Systems must be programmed to submit sharp alerts to:

It is important that procedures in the ship security plan are updated in accordance with these instructions, and that all tests, exercises and drills are documented on board.