1. Current fees payable to the Registrar - for registrations in NOR and the Shipbuilding Register
New registrations
New registration (NOR) of vessels subject to mandatory |
4 099, - |
New registration in the Shipbuilding Register | NOK | 4 099, - |
New registration of vessels less than 15 m |
NOK | 4 099, - |
New registration of vessels less than 15 m: |
2 884, - |
Annual fee |
221, - |
Changes to the register: All vessels regardless of size
Amendment of other legal entity |
1 236, - |
Change of home port |
827, - |
New mortgage |
2 884, - |
Fleet mortgage -per ship |
2 884, - |
Amendment to existing mortgage/ legal right |
2 469, - |
Deletion of vessel subject to mandatory registration |
2 469, - |
Transcript of register |
740, - |
Certificate of ownership and encumbrances |
740, - |
Deletion certificate |
740, - |
Journal confirmation |
740, - |
Certified copy of a document |
286, - |
List of registered vessels |
740, - |
Changes to the register: Vessels subject to mandatory registration (15m and more) and registrations in the Shipbuilding Register
Registration of new owner | NOK | 2 469, - |
Change of vessel's name | NOK | 3 283, - |
Changes to the register: Vessels not subject to mandatory registration (less than 15m)
Registration of new owner |
1 975, - |
Change of vessel's name |
827,- |
Simultaneous registration of new owner/vessel name/ |
1 975, - |
Correct invoicing address
Kindly fill in the payment information form, KR0-0070 to ensure correct invoicing for the registration. Thank you
2. Additional fees according to the NMA's Tariff of Fees/ Fees Regulations
In addition, here will be charged applicable fee rates and hourly rates related to the initial-and annual fees based on the vessel’s length/ NET as well as other, relevant fees (for example dispensation applications and certain certificates) ref. the NMA's Tariff of Fees / Fees Regulations.
Imported ships which have previously been registered in NOR or NIS are exempt from the initial fee.
Special certificates and permits not covered by initial fees and annual fees ref. the Tariff of Fees S. 6:
2.1 Certificate of insurance or other financial security for civil liability for oil pollution damage (CLC), NOK 2 157, -
2.2 Passenger certificate for trade on rivers NOK 1 594, -
2.3. Certificate of insurance or other financial security in respect of oil pollution liability for ships pursuant to the Bunkers Convention 2001 NOK 3 313, -
2.4 Certificate of insurance or other financial security in respect of liability pursuant to the Athens Convention 2002 and the Athens Regulation NOK 3 313, -
Fees as of 1 January 2024