Lessons learned

The Norwegian Maritime Authority regularly publishes lessons learned from marine incidents and accidents.

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  • Lessons learned – personal accidents on trawlers

    Despite an increased focus on safety and a general decline in the number of personal accidents in the fishing fleet, the Norwegian Maritime Authority (NMA) has noticed that serious personal accidents still happen in the trawler fleet.

  • Lessons learned – accidents involving smaller fishing vessels

    Occasionally, accidents caused by «falling asleep on duty» are reported to the Norwegian Maritime Authority. There can be various underlying causes of falling asleep on duty, such as long shifts, too little rest during off-duty periods, poor indoor air quality on the bridge, monotonous or demanding work tasks, etc.

  • Lessons learned – cargo-handling appliances used for lifting people

    The Norwegian Maritime Authority (NMA) has received a note of concern regarding adverse work practices on some self-loading vessels. Excavators are used to lift personnel from deck to shore and from deck to cargo hold and vice versa. Excavators are also used to lift bobcat machines from the ship to the quay and vice versa with personnel sitting in the bobcat machine's operator's cabin.

  • Lessons learned - RIBs

    In this issue of “Lessons learned”, we address accidents involving rigid inflatable boats (RIBs). This autumn, the Norwegian Maritime Authority recorded several RIB incidents resulting in serious injuries. The Accident Investigation Board Norway (AIBN) recently submitted a report on an accident involving the RIB Hugin, which collided with the art installation and fountain Selsbane Seil in Harstad.

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