Please include the following information:

  • Citizenship
  • Place of residence, including whether the owner has:
    • Norwegian primary residence, possibly how long the owner has resided in Norway
  • Secondary housing in Norway
  • Whether the owner has Norwegian family members (spouse/partner/cohabitant/children), as well as whether these have primary residence in Norway
  • If the owner has a Norwegian workplace
  • It should also be stated where the vessel will be used, for example whether it will mainly be used in Norway

If the application concerns an owner who is not resident in Norway, the application should contain information on whether the owner has concrete plans to settle in Norway soon.

Please note that if the Ministry approves the application, and the owner is not resident in Norway, the dispensation will be granted on the condition that a representative is appointed in accordance with Section 1 fifth paragraph of the Maritime Code. Documentation on the appointment of a representative is sent to the Norwegian Maritime Directorate, Department of Ship Registration.

Send the application for dispensation

Please send the application to til