30 countries have thereby ratified covering almost 60 % of the world's fleet . Norway was the fifth country to ratify, and the first European country to do so.

The implementation of the MLC, 2006 in Norway

MLC, 2006 applies to all ships irrespective of size, with a few exceptions such as fishing vessels. Every ship over 500 gross tons flying the Norwegian flag engaged in international voyages or operating from a port or in between port in another country, attesting that working and living conditions on board comply with the MLC and Norwegian law, will need a Maritime Labour Certificate.

Shipowners will get a particular responsibility to ensure decent living and working conditions on board. MLC-inspections will be integrated with the ISM-system, and the ISM Company will be the shipowner for the purposes of the MLC, 2006. It is the classification society that carries out ISM-certification that will issue the Maritime Labour Certificate after an on board inspection.

The Norwegian Maritime Authority will issue more detailed instructions and guidance shortly, specifically aimed at shipowners needing to start the certification process, and classification socieites acting as Recognized Organizations.