Updated on 14 February 2022 with the following amendments:

  • The table of contents is deleted.
  • Checklist: Item 1 is amended and item 2 regarding registration is removed. The numbering is updated.
    New item 2 regarding testing prior to departure to Svalbard is amended. New item 3 is amended, turning the isolation requirement into an isolation recommendation.
  • Chapter 1 with general information and chapter 2 regarding registration prior to entry are amended.
  • The chapter numbering is updated.
  • New chapter 1.1 is amended, recommending rather than requiring isolation if infection is confirmed.

This document contains information about rules relating to crew changes in Norway during the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of the document is to provide an overview of the rules and guidelines that are relevant for seafarers.

Please note that the Norwegian health authorities are responsible for legislation related to the COVID-19 pandemic, and that the legislation is regularly amended as the situation develops.

The links below will keep you up to date.

Please refer to the COVID-19 Regulations and other relevant legislation for a complete understanding of the rules.

The NMA considers these guidelines to be consistent with the IMO protocols for safe crew changes during the COVID-19 pandemic.

For inquiries, please send an e-mail to post@sdir.no or call +47 52 74 50 00.

Contact details of the Norwegian Directorate of Health

E-mail: postmottak@helsedir.no

Postal address: Norwegian Directorate of Health, P.O. Box 220, Skøyen, N-0213 Oslo

Website: www.helsedirektoratet.no/english


0 Checklist, COVID-19

  1. People are permitted to enter Norway
  2. .Seafarers without a valid COVID Certificate must provide proof of a negative test prior to departure to Svalbard.
  3. In case of infection on board, it is recommended that the infected person is isolated for 4 days after first developing symptoms. See chapter 1.1 for more information.
  4. In case of infection on board, the master of the vessel must notify the Norwegian Coastal Administration’s vessel traffic services in Vardø by telephone (+47 78 98 98 98), and an online notification form must be completed at SafeSeaNet Norway. See chapter 3.2 for more information.


1 Suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection on board

1.1 Isolation

Norwegian health authorities recommend that anyone who is infected with COVID-19 should stay at home or self-isolate for 4 days after first developing symptoms and have been fever free for at least 24 hours.

Isolation means staying in your private home or another suitable accommodation where it is possible to avoid close contact with others, provided with a separate bedroom and a private bathroom and kitchen facilities, isolated from others, as far as practicable away from others in the same household.

1.2 Duty to report confirmed COVID-19 infection on board

Ships arriving from abroad carrying persons with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection have a duty to notify Norwegian authorities in accordance with the provisions of section 4 of the Regulations relating to notification of and measures in the event of serious incidents affecting international public health. 

The master of the vessel must notify the Norwegian Coastal Administration's vessel traffic services in Vardø by telephone (+47 78 98 98 98), and an online notification form must be completed at SafeSeaNet Norway.

1.3 Suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection on board a coastal cruise in Svalbard

In the event of suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection on board a coastal cruise in Svalbard, the vessel will carry passengers to the mainland or home port.


2 Requirement for risk assessment

The NMA has published guidelines for risk assessment and emergency preparedness in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

These guidelines apply to Norwegian ships and are based on the requirements of Regulations of 1 January 2005 No. 8 on working environment, health and safety for the persons working on board ship.

The COVID-19 virus is a biological agent, and the company shall perform a special risk assessment based on all available information, including facts and recommendations from competent national and international authorities.

Such risk assessment will be updated to reflect any changed circumstances and form part of the ship’s safety management system.

The maritime industry has industry guidelines that provide additional information.

Please see, for instance, Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance for Ship Operators for the Protection of the Health of Seafarers, published by the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS).


3 Useful links