Sjømannskirken - Norwegian Church Abroad

Sjømannskirken - Norwegian Church Abroad serve Norwegians abroad. 28 churches serve as social and cultural meeting places around the world. In addition chaplains cover around 80 countries visiting Norwegian communities and students. Ships in some ports are also visited by chaplains, and Norwegian oil installations in the North Sea are also frequently visited by chaplains.

The international Seafarer's Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN)

Norwegian Maritime Authority participates in ISWAN which works to promote and support the welfare and health of seafarers all over the world, and to support seafarers and their families is need of assistance due to work at sea.

Overviews of seafarer's centers around the world

Have a look at the Seafarer Centre Directory provided by ISWAN if you’re entering a new port and want to find out where to access the nearest facilities.

Details of seafarer centres is also available via the Shore Leave app provided by the ITF Seafarers’ Trust. Download it from Google Play or the App Store.

SeafarerHelp - Helline for seafarers (ISWAN)

Free, confidentiall and multilingual helpline for seafarers and their families available 24 hours a day, 365 per year.