You may reach us on the following phone numbers:

47 52 74 50 00

Emergency preparedness phone (open 24/7): 47 52 74 50 00/ + 47 954 96 060

Department of Ship Registration’s officer on call: 47 930 84 263

Opening hours for switchboard and officers on duty:

Wednesday 13 April
Office and switchboard open from 9 a.m. - noon (the Department of Ship Registration from 8 am).

The Department of Ship Registration has an officer on call from 7 a.m. – midnight.

Thursday 14 April
Office and switchboard closed.
The Department of Ship Registration has an officer on call from 7 a.m. - midnight.

Friday 15 April
Office and switchboard closed.
No officer on duty with the Department of Ship Registration.

Saturday 16 April
Office and switchboard closed. 
The Department of Ship Registration has an officer on call from 7 a.m. - midnight.

Sunday 17 April
Office and switchboard closed. 
No officer on duty with the Department of Ship Registration.

Monday 18 April

Office and switchboard closed. 
The Department of Ship Registration has an officer on call from 7 a.m. - midnight 

With best wishes for a Happy Easter